Groundwater Banking and Conveyance Improvement PROJECT
Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District (Rosedale) applied for grant funding from the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) WaterSMART Drought Response Program for the proposed Groundwater Banking Conveyance and Improvement Project (Improvement Project) which is a component of Rosedale’s existing Conjunctive-Use Banking Project.
As of August 2021, Reclamation has awarded a $750,000 Drought Response Program grant to Rosedale for the proposed Improvement Project. The Improvement Project is designed to improve Rosedale’s overall system efficiency by better managing surface water supplies in wet years and by increasing the ability to intercept high flow surface runoff for storage within the Kern Fan groundwater basin.
The Improvement Project includes the following three components:
- McCaslin Recharge Project – Construction of approximately 115 acres of recharge ponds, turnout structure, and weir structure.
- Houghton Weir Structure – Construction of weir structure to increase conveyance capacity to sustain future recharge projects downstream, and accurately measure and manage water moving through Rosedale.
- Kern River and Cross Valley Canal Intake Flow Measurement and SCADA Improvements to accurately measure and manage water coming into Rosedale.
Stockdale East Banking PROJECT
The Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District (Rosedale) has recently completed the Stockdale East Banking project on the corner of Enos Lane and Stockdale Highway.
The Improvement Project includes the following three components:
- Stockdale East Recharge Project – Construction of approximately 200 acres of recharge ponds.
- Stockdale East Recovery Project – Construction of two new recovery wells
- Central Intake – 1.75 miles of 63” pipeline, and a pumping plant capable of about 225 cfs capable of providing enough water from the Cross Valley Canal to cover about 800 acres of recharge ponds.
Rosedale received a $1.0M of grant funding from the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) WaterSMART Drought Response Program for the Stockdale East Banking Project which is a component of Rosedale’s existing Conjunctive-Use Banking Project.